Get Instant Access to the ADVANCED Voice is Power™ Online Training Program specifically designed to enable you to...
“Become an Impactful and Influential Communicator – Clarify your messages, elevate your confidence, connect with your listeners in every setting and inspire your audience to ACTION with your Powerful Message”
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 Terms & Conditions:
You agree that you are purchasing the online Voice is Power™ Advanced Training Program from PERAZIM PRODUCTIONS B.V. as described in the offer for just €495 , or 3 payments of €199 if you select the installment plan of 3 monthly payments. Once purchased and your credit card has been charged, the order is non-refundable unless required by law.

Perazim Productions BV or Voice is Power Online will appear on your credit card statement.

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 VIP Training Session #1:
Deep Dive Into the 7 Pillars of Voice is Power™ Mastery
  •  The Power of Love & Gratitude
  •  Diaphragmatic Breathing Techniques
  •  Somatic Awareness
  •  Vocal Workout: Building your vocal strength and vocal power to deliver your best voice
  •  Voice Visualisation
  •  Leadership Presence
  •  Your Personal Best
 VIP Training Session #2:
Vocal Mastery; Developing Your Best Voice
  •  Going from vocal consciousness to vocal power
  •  Going from vocal power to vocal mastery
  •  How to care for and nurture your voice
  •  Learn how to focus your voice, mind, body & purpose to create your own X-Factor, Rock star presence
 VIP Training Session #3:
Your Charisma and Leadership Presence
  •  Learn how to access your personal power to bring your Purpose and Presence into your biggest communication challenges
  •  How to emotionally and intellectually connect with every audience
  •  How to immediately engage every audience
  •  One type of Charisma does not fit all – learning to adapt your charisma to every situation
  •  Conquer fear, transform your limiting beliefs to enabling beliefs and silence your inner-critic
  •  Dare to be extraordinary, excellent and exceptional – Be your Best Self!
 VIP Training Session #4:
Content & Delivery; Presentations, Speeches and Keynotes 
  •  Learn the key elements of every effective presentation
  •  Powerful ways to create original content
  •  Useful Frameworks to design your presentations and speeches
  •  Effective ways to memorably open your presentations
  •  Powerful keys for effectively handling questions
  •  Ten ways to lose your audience – FAST!
  •  Toolkit for pre-presentation preparation
 VIP Training Session #5:
The Art of Storytelling
  •  Harness the elements of a great story
  •  Story-telling techniques used by the most inspiring speakers and presenters
  •  Getting your audience laughing and crying and everything else in-between
  •  Improving Listener buy-in for your point of view
  •  Mastering challenging conversations
  •  Getting to Yes! – the art of the deal
  •  Speak into the listening mode of your audience
  •  How to be remembered, repeated and quoted
 VIP Training Session #6:
Facilitating the Perfect Meeting; Audio/Video Calls & In-Person
  •  Programming your subconscious mind to build your self-confidence
  •  Applying the VIP methodology to your presentations, meetings, conference calls and videoconferences
  •  Allow your audience to SEE what you’re saying through the power of your voice
  •  Powerful techniques for amplifying your Presence in your conference calls, video conferences andmeeting facilitation
  •  Toolkit for conference calls and video conference preparation
“Voice is Power™ Will Transform the Way in Which You Communicate, Connect, Engage and Influence Others.”
Voice is Power™ Testimonials
What is Voice is Power™?
Voice is Power™ has been created by Elizabeth van Geerestein and Steve Knight to help individuals, teams and organisations unlock and develop their true potential in communication and leadership.

Our coaches bring together a unique set of skills, experience and talents to ensure that you receive the right voice, presentations and communications coaching to maximise your executive presence, impact and level of influence. 

Voice is Power™ enables you to make dynamic and ground-breaking changes to the way you communicate through the power of your voice, your body language and the clarity of your message.

It allows you to become consciously aware of who you are as a person, who you are as a leader, your sense of purpose and the impact of your presence.

Voice is Power™ will give you the mindset and discipline to continually develop to be the best communicator and authentic leader you can be.
With Voice is Power™ You Can:
  •  Transform Your Communication Skills
  •  Enhance Your Leadership Effectiveness
  •  Maximise Your Career
  •  Increase Your Business and Commercial Success
Voice is Power™ is highly practical and covers aspects of voice training, communication, presentation techniques, and leadership presence with the aim of empowering you to become an impactful and influential communicator at multiple levels of communication including:
  •  One-on-one crucial conversations
  •  Audio (concalls) & Video conferences
  •  Small and large group presentations
  •  Team meetings
Whether your next important meeting, presentation, conference call or video conference is in front of three people in a board room, or three thousand people at a conference, you can create the kind of connection, content and delivery that leaves your audience wanting more.

Our Voice is Power™ program demystifies the process of communicating with power, influence and impact. 

You will learn how to develop your vocal power, presence, charisma, influence and impact on others as you speak with Confidence, Clarity and Conviction.

This powerful training will give you the toolkit and the leadership edge as you learn how to:
  •  Focus your voice, mind and body to create your unique brand of Charisma and Presence to emotionally and intellectually connect and engage with your audience.
  •  Master the power of your breathing to create a level of communication that conveys confidence, clarity, conviction and emotion.
  •  Maintain excellent posture, use appropriate gestures and take command of your stage.
  •  Access your personal power to re-frame your negative inner dialogue and your “inner- critic” into positive, affirmative thoughts that commands attention and respect fromyour audience.
Learn it. Live it. Lead with it.
Voice is Power™ will transform your communication ability from the inside-out and from the outside-in.

By improving your voice, your content and your delivery you will enhance the way you feel and the way that other people feel about YOU!
In short, Voice is Power™ will transform the way in which you communicate, connect, engage and influence others.
So If You Want to Maximise Your Communication and Leadership Impact, Make Sure to Get Instant Access to the  Voice is Power™ Online Training Program TODAY!
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